How To Rediscount Coupon Bond Can Anybody Please Explain What Bill Rediscounting By Commercial Banks Means?

Can anybody please explain what bill rediscounting by commercial banks means? - how to rediscount coupon bond

() Courtesy: Raman Keshav already in the notice: --

"Suppose you're a businessman.When who sell on credit, you must wait sometime.But money from the buyer for when you need money, now can refer to a bank and you must pay the amount, less their commission. Calculated to the buyer at the time ".... It's to be "discount" ... right.

Well, the question of "re-discount" ....!!

Now the bank has "improved" the bills leads to success, "the mobilized bridge directly with the banks about their financial situation.

India: Reserve Bank of India, NA BARD. SID BI, etc. allow the banks to awards such as the invoice back with them and deliver the data. Requirements: Other things are similar.
............ Thank you raman, Keshav for messages.


govindha said...

Suppose you are a businessman.When who sell on credit, you must wait sometime.But money from the buyer for when you need money, now may be on a bench and you will pay the amount minus the commission. Is made to the buyer at the time into account.

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